Why Is Attic Ventilation Important

Attic ventilation is an important part of home construction, yet most homes have either no ventilation or not enough of it. Inadequate attic ventilation can lead to a host of problems, with roof leaks being among the most common.

In order to prevent these issues and extend the life of your roof, you need an attic that literally “breathes.”

With proper attic ventilation, you allow for warm, moist air – which naturally rises – to safely escape your home rather than building up in the form of condensation. This helps you keep humidity levels under control, which not only helps maintain the health of your roof, but also helps to keep home heating nd cooling costs more manageable.

Without proper attic ventilation, warm and moist air has nowhere to go, creating potentially dangerous attic conditions in the form of condensation, mold and mildew. This, in turn, can make your paint blister and peel, compromise the structural integrity of your attic, create weaknesses in your roof and reduce the efficiency of your insulation.

Another problem that can result from improper attic ventilation is specific to the winter months: ice damming. A lack of attic ventilation can cause ice to build up in your eaves and gutters, which can buckle or fall off under the weight, causing serious and expensive damage to your home.

Have Your Attic Ventilation Checked

If you’re unsure whether or not you have adequate attic ventilation, or if your attic is unventilated, consult a professional roofing contractor. A small investment today can save you thousands of dollars down the road, not to mention hours of inconvenience.